Food Intolerance Testing
Using the holistic complementary therapy Applied Kinesiology
What are the symptoms of food intolerance?
Food intolerances are rarely harmful but may cause unpleasant symptoms, including nausea, bloating, abdominal pain, diarrhoea, fatigue, headaches, catarrh, thrush, rash.
The most commonly found intolerant foods are wheat, cow’s milk (and milk products), yeast and sugar; citrus fruit, tomatoes and potatoes also cause problems for many people.
Some people also have adverse reactions to chemical preservatives and additives in food such as sulphites, benzoates, salicylates, monosodium glutamate, caffeine, aspartame and tartrazine.
Symptoms seldom occur immediately after eating and sometimes it will be hours or even days before symptoms become evident. Usually a reasonable amount of food is needed to cause an intolerance but some people are very sensitive to some foods and a small amount can lead to a reaction.
It is thought that we can be addicted to the foods to which we are intolerant. The adrenalin rush (the classic “fight or flight” response) experienced after eating these foods is the ‘hook’ that keeps us coming back.
However, while sufferers feel good for a while, the ‘high’ soon passes and they go back to feeling drained and listless.
What are the symptoms of food intolerance?
Food intolerances are rarely harmful but may cause unpleasant symptoms, including nausea, bloating, abdominal pain, diarrhoea, fatigue, headaches, catarrh, thrush, rash.
The most commonly found intolerant foods are wheat, cow’s milk (and milk products), yeast and sugar; citrus fruit, tomatoes and potatoes also cause problems for many people.

Some people also have adverse reactions to chemical preservatives and additives in food such as sulphites, benzoates, salicylates, monosodium glutamate, caffeine, aspartame and tartrazine.
Symptoms seldom occur immediately after eating and sometimes it will be hours or even days before symptoms become evident. Usually a reasonable amount of food is needed to cause an intolerance but some people are very sensitive to some foods and a small amount can lead to a reaction.
It is thought that we can be addicted to the foods to which we are intolerant. The adrenalin rush (the classic “fight or flight” response) experienced after eating these foods is the ‘hook’ that keeps us coming back.
However, while sufferers feel good for a while, the ‘high’ soon passes and they go back to feeling drained and listless
Food intolerance testing
Margaret conducts a thorough consultation, and food intolerance testing using muscle testing (Applied Kinesiology principles) to assess possible food intolerances. Muscle testing gives immediate results – no sending away and waiting for answers, no needles or blood samples,
The test may reveal multiple food sensitivities – by eliminating these suspect foods from the diet for a period of one month, followed by their sensible reintroduction, it is possible that they may be tolerated. There are two main ways of doing this. The first involves removing all offending foods together for one month then reintroducing them one at a time.
Where there are multiple sensitivities, it may be better to cut out 2 or 3 offending foods each week, ensuring each food is removed for a minimum of one month. Margaret will advise on this. Margaret will also advise on alternative food ideas.
A Food Intolerance may disrupt the metabolism, triggering weight gain or weight loss. Where there is fluid retention, this is an indication that the body is not dealing well with a specific food which may result in excess weight.
Food intolerances put a strain on the digestive system, and they can affect the liver, gall bladder, pancreas etc. Margaret can offer herbal support to the digestive organs during the elimination/reintroduction process.

COST: The Food Intolerance test costs £50 and takes up to 1 hour.
If during consultation or treatment using another therapy eg Herbal Treatment or Hypnotherapy, a food intolerance is suspected, then the test will cost £25.
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Food Intolerance Testing for Ashford, Kent & Beyond
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Telephone: 01233 720897
Mobile: 07703 270968